不過貪喫鬼看到網路上几張漂亮的照片,再配上個無敵可愛的 Dutch Baby 名字,馬上就被鎮服,巴巴的等著周末來做 Dutch Baby。
聽説呢,Dutch Baby 是個美國咖啡廳將德國鬆餅改造的。美國人發揮一向亂取名字的好本事(薯條就薯條,沒事加個法國幹嘛),取了個可愛又朗朗上口的Dutch Baby 名字,不過跟荷蘭一點關係都沒有。不過我想,荷蘭人吃過的話,一定不會介意將國名借給這個美味的鬆餅。
Dutch Baby 的做法比普通的煎鬆餅簡單,口感跟味道也和煎鬆餅完全不一樣。Dutch Baby 有著多重口感,邊邊的餅是薄脆的,帶著微微的焦香味,底部的餅稍微有點咬勁,有著濃濃的牛奶雞蛋香味,中間的餅蓬鬆,像pop over的口感。加上帶著一絲檸檬香氣的酸甜草莓,絕配。
傳説中四人份的Dutch Baby,我們兩個人15分鐘不到就全部掃光。
不過,美中不足的是,吃完了我們兩個人肚子還餓!哦,是吃完了一整個Dutch Baby配草莓,一人一顆煎蛋和培根,肚子還餓。巴豆妖啊。
Makes One 10-inch Dutch baby, serves 2 (sort of)
Recipe based on NYT’s Dutch Baby recipe
- 3 room temperature eggs
- 1/2 cup flour
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 Tbsp sugar
- 1/2 Tbsp butter
- 1/4 tsp lemon zest
Lemon Strawberry topping
- 6-8 strawberries, sliced
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp lemon juice
- 1/4 tsp lemon zest
- Place 10″ cast iron skillet into oven. Preheat oven to 420F.
- Mix together all the ingredients for lemon strawberry topping and let sit at room temperature.
- Mix together all the ingredients for the Dutch Baby until frothy or mix in a blender.
- Once oven is preheated, remove skillet and add butter. Swirl the pan so the butter coats the entire bottom and as much of the sides as possible. Pour the Dutch Baby mixture into the hot pan. Place into oven.
- Bake for 20 minutes. Remove and serve immediately with lemon strawberry topping.