Makes 3 small bowls 2 cups of roasted butternut squash 1 small onion or 1/2 large onion...
涼拌西瓜皮 Pickled Watermelon Rind
紐約夏天的熱浪時常讓我們熱的不想煮飯也不想吃飯,所以夏天時我的冰箱永遠冰著西瓜,這時候吃盤冰冰涼涼的西瓜或打杯西瓜麥片冰沙就打發一餐了。切完西瓜將西瓜皮丟掉的時候,腦中常常閃過一個想法,咦?西瓜皮好像可以醃來吃耶。。。 所以我在YouTube的曼食曼語上看到涼拌西瓜皮,立刻就切了西瓜做來吃看看。 才吃了兩口,馬上就被這一道清淡爽口的小菜征服。只需要四個材料,這個版本的涼拌西瓜皮好做又好喫,是夏天的聖品小菜。一片片淺黃綠色的飛薄瓜皮,瓖著一點淡紅的邊,微微的透明,帶著一點蒜味和麻油的香味,香脆可口,但非常的清淡,而且冰過了更好喫。 將西瓜切厚片,鮮紅的果肉切下來吃掉,鮮綠的皮切掉,淺黃綠色的部分斜切薄片。西瓜皮片加一小搓鹽,醃十五分鐘,再將水分擠乾,拌入一小瓣的蒜末一小匙麻油。That’s it! 簡單又好吃。...
Korean Radish Kimchi
When we travel one of the best parts is experiencing and learning about new cultures. What I love even...
Crushed baby potatoes with garlic
Makes 2-3 side dish servings 12 baby potatoes 2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed and roughly chopped Coarse...
Lotus Root Salad(凉拌莲藕)
夏日炎炎,最近每天艳阳高照,气温动不动就高到 90F。厨房里更是高温难耐,常常做完菜却热的不想吃热菜。幸运的在祖宜的“简单、豐、美好”书里有一道“凉拌藕片”,本来只是贪吃个凉菜,做做看。但一做之下,完完全全的被征服。 藕片切的飞薄,烫过两分钟后冰镇,加一小搓盐和糖,拌上红油香菜乌醋,浇上焦蒜油,香脆可口,好吃的不得了。第一晚做的一大碗吃光光,第二天立马再做一碗。 为了这道菜做的麻辣红油,也香的不得了,浸了一夜后,香味更真,辣味更浓。我等不及用这红油办鸡办面,现在后悔麻辣红油做的不够。 麻辣红油食谱在53页,凉拌莲藕食谱在73页。焦蒜油是之前K做拉面时一起做的。...
Notes: Baked Sweet Plantains 烤甜芭蕉筆記
One of my favorite things about New York is the astonishing variety of cuisines here. I can find delicious...
Crispy Garlic Bread
I love garlic. I add garlic to almost every dish I cook and scoff at recipes that call for...
Avocado Salad
Ripe and buttery avocados are one of K’s favorite foods. We usually make tons of guacamole as a snack....
Taiwanese Pickled Vege (台式泡菜)
Every country has its own favorite pickled vegetable recipe – from the spicy Korean Kimchi to sour crunchy American...